We have just celebrated 25 years as a brand, although we've been around since early in the last century….

Emboga is born, a new brand of shoe which Francisco launched on the market amid major changes in the sector with the use of improved professional processes and tools. The first moccasin was created (Ye-Yemoc), a brand icon.

Luis Chico de Guzmán, current CEO of the company joned his father Francisco in the family project. Having studied design and modelling at the prestigious Ars Sutoria design school in Milan, he took over the business running it together with his father.

Carlos Chico de Guzman, Luis' borther and currently assistant director of the company joined the company and together they began to sell and distribute throughout the Iberian peninsula.

The brand gained an international presence attending trade fairs such GDS (Germany) or MICAM (Italy) which led to initial contacts with other countries such as Greece, Belgium, England, and France.

“Let’s give our shoes a real Spanish name, we could call them HISPANITAS”
Francisco Chico de Guzman Villaplana

One summer night in 1989, Francisco held a meeting with his sons Luis and Carlos, when they discussed creating a brand that would identify their product and he had the following idea: let's give our ballerina pumps , known as "francesitas" a Spanish name, let's call them "Hispanitas"

The firm enters the retail market. Since 2005 and to date 3 outlet shops have been opened in Spain, 1 in Portugal, and 25 points of sale in China.

The Hispanitas brand is 25 years old this year and to celebrate, it is re-issuing the company’s very first model, the 177 moccasin.

A project was set up to create a network of shops selling the brand, designed to locate points of sale in key cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, London, Paris or New York. A further project was designed to expand to new markets such as China and the USA, an exciting challenge which contributed to creating the international spirit of the brand,